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Financial Aid
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Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.Tennessee Reconnect and Promise. Graduating high school seniors can attend tuition-free. Free tuition for adults.
Online degrees available. 在线教育可以让你灵活地选择适合自己的课程.Online degrees available. 在线教育可以让你灵活地选择适合自己的课程.

CARES Act Emergency Assistance for Students

Please see the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) page for the latest emergency aid information (Fall 2021).

贝博体育支付了冠状病毒援助提供的紧急学生援助, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act beginning the week of May 18, 2020. Later that same week, updated guidance from the U.S. 教育部(USDOE)允许向没有资格获得初始紧急援助付款的新学生群体提供额外付款. 这些额外的付款预计将于2020年6月3日开始处理. This will be the final disbursement as all funds are now allocated.


《贝博体育》高等教育紧急救济(HEERF)为高等教育机构提供的资金旨在帮助因COVID-19而未支付费用的学生. 资金必须用于支付因冠状病毒导致的校园运营中断相关费用, such as:

在2020年3月13日之前只注册在线课程的学生不符合资格. 根据HEERF认证和协议签署并返回美国能源部, 该机构将使用根据《贝博体育》第18004(a)(1)条收到的资金的不少于50%向学生提供紧急经济援助补助金.

HEERF I - Payment Methodology

由于COVID-19相关事件的影响,我们的机构决定将资金分配给尽可能多的学生. Following Secretary of Education DeVos’s guidance, Federal Pell eligible students received priority funding. However, based on our institution’s determined criteria, 某些非联邦佩尔合格学生也被认为有资格获得资助.

Criteria for eligibility include:

HEERF I - Disbursement Process

任何已发放的紧急助学金将以退款支票或直接存款的方式发放给学生, 这取决于学生是否在学院建立了电子退款档案. 付款不一定是学生当前学生账户余额的反映, 因为这些资金是直接支付给学生,无论当前余额欠的机构.


HEERF I - Email Communications

View email communications sent to students

HEERF I - Payment Allocation Information

Category Number
符合第四章资格的学生人数可能有资格获得HEERF付款(付款#1): 2432
可支付给学生的HEERF资助总额(在更新的美国能源部指导之前): $1,657,191.00
向符合条件的学生支付的HEERF资助总额(包括根据最新的美国能源部指导方针增加的资金): $1,892,400.67
Number of eligible students paid during disbursement #1: 2325
Number of eligible students to be paid during disbursement #2: 776
Total number of eligible students paid: 3101

该表最初在机构收到HEERF资金后不迟于30天发布,之后每45天更新一次. The table below provides these dates.

Event Date
Date Institution Submitted HEERF Certification and Agreement to USDOE: April 24, 2020
Date Information Originally Published Online: May 18, 2020
Website Updated with new information from USDOE: June 3, 2020
Website Updated (1st 45-day requirement):  June 30, 2020*



根据CRRSAA第314(a)条授予的资金必须保留,以向学生提供经济援助助学金, 哪些可以用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分,或用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or childcare.

If an institution obtains a student’s written (or electronic), affirmative consent, an institution is permitted to apply these grants directly to the student’s institutional account; however, 学生必须被告知,他们可以选择直接获得助学金,而且学校可能不会要求助学金申请到学生的账户上.

Unlike the CARES Act, CRRSAA要求学校优先考虑有特殊需要的学生, such as students who receive Federal Pell Grants, in awarding financial aid grants to students. However, 学生不需要成为联邦佩尔助学金获得者或有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生被确定为有特殊需要. In addition, CRRSAA明确规定,可以向专门参加远程教育的学生提供助学金.

HEERF II - Payment Methodology

由于COVID-19相关事件的影响,我们的机构决定将资金分配给尽可能多的学生. 根据美国能源部的指导,符合联邦佩尔资格的学生获得了优先资助. However, based on our institution’s determined criteria, 某些非联邦佩尔合格学生也被认为有资格获得资助.
Criteria for eligibility include:

HEERF II - Disbursement Process

任何已发放的紧急助学金将以退款支票或直接存款的方式发放给学生, 这取决于学生是否在学院建立了电子退款档案.

付款不一定是学生当前学生账户余额的反映, 因为这些资金是直接支付给学生,无论当前余额欠的机构.


HEERF II - Email Communications

View email communications sent to students

HEERF II - Payment Allocation Information

Category Number
Number of eligible students who may qualify for HEERF II payments: 3,165
Total amount of HEERF II aid available for payments to students: $1,657,191.00
Total amount of HEERF II aid paid to eligible students: $1,669,445.86
Total number of eligible students paid: 3,165




根据ARP授予的学生HEERF资金必须保留,以向学生提供经济援助补助金, 哪些可以用于学生出勤费用的任何组成部分,或用于因冠状病毒引起的紧急费用, such as tuition, food, housing, health care (including mental health care) or childcare.

If an institution obtains a student’s written (or electronic), affirmative consent, an institution is permitted to apply these grants directly to the student’s institutional account; however, 学生必须被告知,他们可以选择直接获得助学金,而且学校可能不会要求助学金申请到学生的账户上.

ARP要求学校优先考虑有特殊需要的学生, such as students who receive Federal Pell Grants, in awarding financial aid grants to students. However, 学生不需要成为联邦佩尔助学金获得者或有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生被确定为有特殊需要.

HEERF III - Payment Methodology

由于COVID-19相关事件的影响,我们的机构决定将资金分配给尽可能多的学生. 根据美国能源部的指导,符合联邦佩尔资格的学生获得了优先资助. However, based on our institution’s determined criteria, 某些非联邦佩尔合格学生也被认为有资格获得资助.
Criteria for eligibility include:

HEERF III - Disbursement Process

任何已发放的紧急助学金将以退款支票或直接存款的方式发放给学生, 这取决于学生是否在学院建立了电子退款档案. 学生可以选择授权从经常账户余额中付款, but this was not required for eligibility.
付款不一定是学生当前学生账户余额的反映, 因为这些资金是直接支付给学生,无论当前余额欠的机构, 除非学生提供申请帐户余额的授权.

HEERF III - Email Communications

View email communications sent to students

HEERF III Payment Allocation Information as of March 2022

Category Number
Number of eligible students who may qualify for HEERF III payments: 6,180
Total amount of HEERF III aid available for payments to students: $6,129,799.00
Total amount of HEERF III aid paid to eligible students: $6,265,636.28
Total number of eligible students paid: 6,180

Contact and Questions

Student questions can be submitted by emailing Our CARES Act Team will typically respond within two business days.

HEERF Quarterly Report

《贝博体育》第18004(a)(1)条机构部分规定的季度预算和支出报告, 18004(a)(2), and 18004(a)(3).

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